Buncombe Dems

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News Roundup

Summer's almost over, but the organizing never stops. We're here with a roundup of the latest. 

No Off Years - Voter Contact Initiative

2024 is a presidential election year, and in North Carolina the governorship and the courts are on the line. There are no off years when the electoral stakes are this big, and every single vote will matter. Join us for a fall campaign of door knocking and phonebanking to help us reach a set of voters who are less likely to be targeted in a major election year. We'll be hitting the streets and the phones in a neighborhood near you soon! 

Knock Doors With Us

Make Calls With Us

No Off Years - Precinct Organizing Drive

We're hard at work organizing our unorganized precincts before 2024! We'll be hosting two precinct organizing meetings in September and October to sign up a new crop of local leaders and ensure that Buncombe remains one of the top-performing Democratic counties in the state.

Live in one of these precincts and want to help? Sign up to attend and invite your neighbors! Don't live in an unorganized precinct but still want to help? Make some phone calls to local Dems to get the word out.

Get Organized -Precincts 4.1, 9.1, 13.1, 15.1, 19.1, 24.1, 35.1, and 37.1

Get Organized -Precincts 43.2, 46.1, 47.1, 48.1, 49.1, and 53.1

Make Calls to Local Dems

Find Your Precinct

Save the Date - CEC Meeting

Block off the morning of Saturday, October 21 on your calendar for a County Executive Committee Meeting. This will be a big one -- after seven long and strong years in the role, Chair Jeff Rose will be stepping down. More to come on this soon, so stay tuned! 

Volunteer Appreciation - Liston B. Ramsey Award

Congrats to Leslie Tighe, who was highlighted at the NC-11 Gala as Buncombe's 2023 Liston B. Ramsey award winner! Leslie is an integral part of the communications team, designing all our printed materials and digital ads for the 2022 midterms; redesigning our logo, website, and this very newsletter; and even recruiting her own team of volunteers to help! Way to go Leslie and thanks for all that you do!

Volunteer Appreciation - Headquarters Cleanup

Thanks to everyone who joined us this weekend to clean up HQ! We were able to tackle the basement and even some light gardening to spruce up our space. We'll be hosting another cleanup soon -- stay tuned and get in touch if you are interested in joining the Building Committee to help keep HQ looking great year round! 

Action Item

Recently, NCGA Republicans overrode Governor Cooper's veto on 6 bills, including 3 that target the LGBTQ+ community, especially trans kids. These new laws go into immediate effect, with new restrictions on providing gender-affirming care to minors.

The Campaign for Southern Equality has now expanded its Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project, which provides critical resources to families in need of assistance, to run in 12+ states -- in every state where a similar ban has passed, including North Carolina. Support trans youth across the state by donating. 

To all the families affected by these cruel and harmful new laws, we see you, we support you, we stand with you. 

Support Trans Youth