Buncombe Dems

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Republican Power Grabs

In a shocking but not surprising series of actions, Republicans have been attempting to solidify their power in North Carolina to insulate themselves from accountability to their own constituents. Here's a roundup. 

5 More Veto Overrides

As Governor Cooper said, "Republicans are on the cutting edge of all the wrong things" in this state. Yesterday they overrode 5 of Governor Cooper's vetoes, setting into law a sweeping set of election changes in SBs 747 and 749, taking away appointment powers from the governor and giving them to themselves (SB 12), allow utility companies to reclassify nuclear power as green energy (SB 678), and make it easier to build a pipeline that threatens water quality for thousands of North Carolinians (HB 600).  

Senator Julie Mayfield argued against SB 12 on the Senate floor, saying the legislation "represents an unconstitutional step away from our democratic system of government and toward an authoritarian one...It represents a dilution of the sacred separation of powers and a concentration of additional power in this body. We should be concerned about both of those things, and that if the Democrats were in power, and making these moves, you would be crying foul, just as we are." 

Secret Police

According to an investigative piece by Popular Info, The “Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations- or Gov Ops for short- is empowered to seize 'any document or system of record' from anyone who works in or with state and local government during its investigations.” 

Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant.

Public employees will be required to keep all communication and requests “confidential.” They cannot alert their supervisor of the investigation nor consult with legal counsel. Violating this rule “shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal.”

Those who refuse to cooperate face jail time and fines of up to $1,000.

In the event that Gov Ops searches a person’s home, these rules mean that the person 1) must keep the entry a secret, 2) cannot seek outside help (unless necessary for fulfilling the request, the law says), and 3) could face criminal charges if Gov Ops deems them uncooperative. 

NCDP Chair Anderson Clayton responded to this news: “The creation of the Gov Ops secret police force is the latest example of North Carolina Republicans giving themselves more power and attempting to chip away at democracy itself. This is an insidious effort by Republicans to try to silence their opponents or anyone who dares to speak out against their power-grab crusade.”


Republicans used the recently passed state budget to repeal a law that made all draft materials and communications related to redistricting part of the public record. 

New maps are being drawn up in private rooms, out of public view, and with almost no prior public input

The Bottom Line

Republicans know they can't win when their policies are held up to the scrutiny of voters, so they're doing everything they can to make sure voters don't actually get a say. 

With every new law and veto override coming out of an NCGA controlled by an extremist supermajority, the stakes for 2024 grow higher. Join us in reaching out to voters to let them know what's on the line. 

Knock Doors

Make Calls

Action Items

Please join the Democratic Women of Buncombe County for our third annual ReConnect event at the Governor’s Western Residence on Thursday evening at 6 p.m. This is a chance to ReConnect with our old Democratic friends and colleagues and to Connect with a new generation of our Democratic party and our future. It is also an evening of celebration and will include food, wine and entertainment.

The program will be short and fun but the connections and friendships will last forever.

We hope to see you there!

Join Us

Get ready to ignite your passion for change at "Turn up the MIC! Music, Issues, & Community." Join us on October 15th at Bear's BBQ Downtown for an evening that promises to be both inspiring and entertaining.

Whether you're a music enthusiast, an advocate for social change, or simply someone looking to connect with your community, this event is for you. Don't miss out on an evening of music, meaningful conversations, and the chance to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Bring a friend, too!

Join Us