Democratic Men’s Club
John Ager, President
Who Are We?
We are a group with long roots in Buncombe County and in supporting Democratic candidates with whatever time, talents, and treasure we can provide. The club was originally formed in 1981 as the Democratic Men’s Club of Buncombe County. And yes, there was a Democratic Women’s Club of Buncombe County formed at about the same time. The Men’s and Women’s Club titles have continued as a tradition, but we long ago figured out it was a lot more fun and a lot more productive to have both men and women in the club.
The club has four primary priorities:
Provide financial support to our Buncombe County Democratic Party.
Provide meaningful voter education and opportunities to meet with both elected and appointed officials, as well as candidates.
Support Get Out the Vote (GOVT) efforts for all elections
Provide opportunities for people who share similar values and priorities to work and play together.
What Do We Accomplish?
We raise funds, through membership fees and other initiatives, that are earmarked exclusively to elect the full slate of Democratic candidates in the general election through our Party’s comprehensive Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) efforts. Our contributions help provide a wide range of materials and resources to inform and motivate voters.
We are best known for hosting, about once a quarter, terrific breakfast meetings, usually on weekends. These meetings provide up-close engagements between candidates/officials and voters in an informal social setting and one of the best breakfasts you could hope to enjoy. These are great opportunities to become a better-informed voter, to connect with volunteers, and to hear some of the best speakers to be found anywhere.
We may also host other events or solicit contributions or volunteer work parties to help support the party when needed. For example, the club underwrote and provided some of the labor for many of the improvements done recently to make Party Headquarters a better and more pleasant place to be.
Why Should I Join This Group?
If any of the things mentioned herein ring a bell with you – supporting great candidates, being a better informed voter, volunteering to support intelligent voting, socializing with people you like and admire – then the Democratic Men’s Club of Buncombe County is the right place at the right time for you.
We look forward to your being a part of all this.
And it even is a good deal financially. Dues are $100 a year for an individual, $150 a year for a couple. If you attend the quarterly breakfasts as a member, you eat for free. Those breakfasts about zero out your membership fee. Such a deal.
On a larger scale, having an active, well supported party is in all our interests. Democrats and nonaligned voters who generally vote for our candidates and share our views have an important interest in a healthy party that has strong candidates and communicates well with our citizens. As a member of this organization, you help make all that happen. At this point in our history, it is difficult to imagine anything more important than a capable party that supports democracy.
OK, What If I Have Questions Or Am Ready To Join?
Please click here to join online today! Then click here to pay your dues via PayPal (you do not need to have a PayPal account to use this option).
If you would prefer to pay dues by mail, please mail a check to the Buncombe County Democratic Men’s Club, PO Box 15, Asheville, NC 28802 or bring one in person at the next breakfast.
Questions? Send us an email at Feel free to come to any of our breakfast meetings or to approach any member of the club with questions as well.
We look forward to talking with you and working with you.
If you would like more information please reach out to our President, John Ager, at