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![LGBTQ+ Resource & Resilience Center [Campaign for Southern Equality]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6208699eb544410697121b76/1742864151186-9OP00Q2UZYFBTKUNVN7H/LGBTQ+Resource+and+Resilience+Center+3-27.png)
LGBTQ+ Resource & Resilience Center [Campaign for Southern Equality]
From Campaign for Southern Equality:
Spring has sprung, and we're here to help you celebrate with another warm and welcoming Resource & Resilience Center this Thursday, 3/27 from 11am-5pm. Whether you want to relax with a nice massage and haircut or you're seeking advice on protecting your family from anti-LGBTQ+ attacks, we're here to welcome you, support you, and help you access the resources you need.
Join us this Thursday, March 27th, from 11am-5pm at 20 Oak Street to grab a tasty lunch, get a relaxing haircut or massage, and find support navigating resources for you and your family. For this event, we'll also have a Family Law Workshop focused on privacy and family protection, led by attorney Diane “Dizy” Walton.
A Conversation with Marielena Hincapie [Pisgah Legal]
From Pisgah Legal Services:
Join Pisgah Legal for a virtual conversation with Marielena Hincapié to discuss the national immigration landscape and Pisgah Legal’s work supporting immigrant families.
Marielena is a key figure in immigration policy, with her transformative work on initiatives like DACA and the #ImmigrantsAreEssential campaign. She is currently the Distinguished Immigration Scholar at Cornell University and is the former executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.
Marielena will share her insightful and measured perspective and then will be in conversation with Jackie Kiger, our Executive Director, to highlight Pisgah Legal’s work supporting immigrant families in Western North Carolina.
The conversation will happen via Zoom at noon on Thursday, March 27th.
Art for Autonomy [benefit for Pro-Choice NC & Planned Parenthood SAT]
Tour through Asheville’s top studios and galleries, while shopping to support Planned Parenthood South Atlantic and Pro-Choice NC. Over 100 pieces of artwork, of all kinds, have been donated, and will be available at the following locations:
Clayspace Co-Op 119 Roberts St.
Mark Bettis Gallery 123 Roberts St.
Amy Massey Studio 129 Roberts St.
Pink Dog Creative: the Big Room 344 Depot St
Trackside Studios 375 Depot St.
Odyssey Gallery of Ceramic Art 238 Clingman Ave.
Plays in Mud Pottery 735 C Haywood Rd.
Cloud House Residency 48 Vermont Ave.
This unique event will benefit Pro-Choice NC and Planned Parenthood South Atlantic. All proceeds will be split between the two organizations. There is no cost to attend.
Click the link below for more info:
Meeting of the Minds Black Mountain
Meet with like-minded individuals interested in discussing our Democratic challenges and how to deal for future wins. We encourage elected officials to attend and provide updates.
Who should attend: Interested Democratic and unaffiliated voters from Black Mountain and surrounding areas. Any elected officials are welcome.
Hands Off! Asheville Fights Back [Hands Off 2025]
From Hands Off 2025:
Donald Trump and Elon Musk think this country belongs to them. We are fighting back!
They're taking everything they can get their hands on—our health care, our data, our jobs, our services—and daring the world to stop them. This is a crisis, and the time to act is now.
On Saturday, April 5th, we're taking to the streets to fight back with a clear message: Hands off!
This mass mobilization day is a message to the world that we do not consent to the destruction of our government and our economy for the benefit of Trump and his billionaire allies.
We are to nonviolent action. We expect all participants to seek to de-escalate any potential confrontation with those who disagree with our values.
Check out handsoff2025.com for more information.
Nationwide Day of Action [Good Trouble WNC]
Good Trouble WNC, Indivisible Asheville, and Poor Peoples Campaign have come together to cosponsor a rally in cooperation with the national group fiftyfifty.one on Saturday, April 5, 2025. The event will take place from 11am-1pm at the Amphitheater in Pack Square in downtown Asheville. The theme of the rally is the Nationwide Day of Action and it will feature prominent local speakers including veterans’ rights spokesmen Jay Carey and Will Nugent as well as speakers on immigration, climate, and healthcare.
Musical offerings will include the Asheville Gay Mens Choir and the group WomanSong.
Other participating organizations include La Milpa, Sunrise Movement Asheville, and the NC Workers Party. All area residents who support our constitutional democracy are encouraged to attend.
Precinct 48.1 Monthly Meeting
All interested Precinct 48.1 Democrats and left-leaning independents, join us as we continue to plan and execute precinct grassroots activities!
Democratic Men's Club Breakfast with Justice Anita Earls
The Democratic Men's Club of Buncombe County (all are welcome despite the name) is hosting its first breakfast of 2025 with very special guest NC Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls!
Following her election to the Supreme Court of North Carolina in 2019, Justice Earls has written numerous opinions on important issues such as the North Carolina Racial Justice Act, the maintenance of privacy rights associated with warrantless searches, and media defamation suits.
Prior to being elected to the North Carolina Supreme Court, Earls was the founder and executive director of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. She also served as the director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law's Voting Rights Project and as a deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights under President Bill Clinton.
We've all seen how important our courts are. Let's hear from Justice Earls - currently one of only two Democratic judges on the NC Supreme Court (Justice Riggs is the other) - and make sure she is re-elected. We hope to see you there!
Buncombe County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting
Join the BCDP Monthly Meeting, happening right after the Dem Men’s Club breakfast event.
We will be discussing our plans going forward, actions underway, the possibility of another “Turn Anger into Action” resource fair - perhaps outdoors this time, community needs we seek to help meet, and how we can work together to make a difference.
Who should attend: Democrats and Left-Leaning Unaffiliates in Buncombe County.
Drinks with Dems - Riceville/Swannanoa Cluster Precincts 61.1, 62.1, 64.1, 65.1, 66.1
Meet with like-minded Democrats and Independents in the Riceville and Swannanoa area to discuss current events in a casual atmosphere.
Leicester Cluster Monthly Meeting
Join us as we continue to plan and execute cluster grassroots activities with all interested Leicester Democrats and left-leaning Independents.
Who should attend: Residents from Precincts 52.1, 53.1, 63.1, 68.1, 69.1, and 681 in Leicester, Newfound, Sandy Mush, and Alexander who are interested in organizing to strengthen our community.
"Thriving Loudly" Listening Tour [Equality NC]
Equality North Carolina is the oldest statewide organization in the country dedicated to securing rights and protections for the LGBTQ community. They are presenting a conversation between community members, their executive director, Eliazar Pasada, and members of their staff. The event is free and open to the public and will be held in the downstairs room of BCDP Headquarters.
RSVP at https://forms.gle/MDioRzWLr8a44cY57 which also allows you to submit questions ahead of the event if you wish.
Buncombe County Democratic Party Annual Convention
This year’s Annual Buncombe County Democratic Party Convention will be held on Saturday, April 26th starting at 10am. Doors will open at 9 for registration.
Those who were voted as Convention Delegates at their Precinct Organizing Meeting may vote at this event. All BCDP Officer positions are up for election, and resolutions provided by the Precincts will be discussed and voted upon.
Formal agenda to come.
Legislative Trivia with Lindsey Prather and Eric Ager
Put on your thinking caps and join your Democratic Hominies Cluster neighbors and our superstar representatives for pizza, pop or a beer at a fun and informative event.
When: Sunday, April 27th, 3:00-5:00 pm
Where: 6 Rhododendron Way, Candler
Cost: $8 for Pizza and pop – OR – bring your own beer.
Registration Required
Who should attend: Hominies Cluster members of precincts 24.1, 44.1, 45.1, 46.1, 47.1, 48.1, 49.1 and friends
Buncombe County Progressives — Brainstorm Next Steps
This is a follow-on meeting to our first brainstorm session where we will focus on 4 action items: supporting progressive candidates running for office, pushing a living wage forward in Buncombe, raising visibility of the progressive agenda, and how to reach out to all community members, i.e., a bipartisan message.
If you did not make it to the first meeting, no worries — we would LOVE to have you!!
Who should attend: This is open to Buncombe County Progressives and anyone interested in learning more about pushing progressive issues and actions forward in the Democrats' platform.
Rally with Letter Carriers to Save UPS [NC AFL-CIO]
From the hosts:
“At a crucial time, this is an opportunity to educate our customers about everything at stake if the Postal Service is privatized or restructured. Our jobs, our service, and the entire Postal Service are on the line. We need everyone’s help in our fight like hell against these attacks!”’
On Sunday, March 23, NALC branches are hosting local rallies to say “Hell No!” to dismantling the Postal Service. With branches holding events nationwide on the same day, we are sending a clear, unified message: Hands off USPS!
Black Mountain Cluster Annual Precinct Organizing Meeting
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your neighbors and get involved in building a stronger community. At the meeting, we’ll elect precinct officers for this cycle and review and vote on any resolutions from our members. In addition, we will discuss forming a stirring committee to plan upcoming speaker/information sessions around current issues of interest to the community.
Who should attend: All registered Democratic and left-leaning unaffiliated voters who reside in 32.1 Owen Middle School precinct, 33.2 Black Mountain Primary precinct, 33.3 Black Mountain Elementary precinct, 34.1 Lakeview Senior Center precinct, 35.1 Black Mountain Montessori School precinct, 36.1 First Baptist Church Black Mountain precinct, 37.1 Garren Creek Fire Department precinct. To find your precinct, you can visit the NC Board of Election’s Voter Search tool.
(Do not park in the fire lanes next to the school. Please reserve the parking spaces in front of the school for mobility challenged neighbors. Additional parking is available in the school parking lot.)
Downtown Cluster Annual Precinct Organizing Meeting
Come meet your neighbors, volunteers, and precinct officers at our annual organizing meeting. 2025 is a year to build our precincts and build on the success that NC Dems had in 2024. We'll elect precinct officers, draft resolutions for consideration at the county convention, and discuss what we can do to turn NC Blue.
Who should attend: Democrats and left leaning Unaffiliated voters in precincts 1.1, 2.1, 8.2, 8.3, 10.1 and 11.1. To find your Precinct, visit the NC Board of Election’s Voter Search
Fairview/Reynolds Cluster Annual Precinct Organizing Meeting
This is the annual precinct organizing meeting for all of the Fairview/Reynolds Cluster.
All Democrats in the Fairview/Reynolds Cluster need to attend. (Precincts: 38.2, 38.3, 39.2, 39.3, 57.1, 60.2, 60.4) To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections Voter Search.
Leicester Cluster Annual Organizing Meeting
Organizing Meeting on Saturday, March 22, at 10:00 a.m. at the Leicester Community Center.
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your neighbors and get involved in building a stronger community. At the meeting, we’ll elect precinct officers for the coming year and review and process any resolutions from our members.
In addition to these important activities, you can get involved with us for local events like quarterly highway cleanups, the annual Leicester Fest, and support for candidates and voter engagement during election years.
Leicester Cluster precincts are 52.1, 53.1, 63.1, 68.1, 681 and 69.1. To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections Voter Search.
East Asheville Annual Precinct Meeting
Please join the East Asheville Democrats for our annual Precinct meeting. We will elect officers and talk about future plans. State Representative Brian Turner will give an energizing speech to help us to continue to fight for the cause.
Please come hungry. We'll provide lots of good food and drinks!
Who should attend: Any registered Democrats in precincts 6.1, 7.1, 9.1, 20.1, 21.1, 23.2, 23.3, 25.1 (To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections’ Voter Search)
Hominies Cluster Organizational Meeting
Continental breakfast treats and coffee will be served at this business meeting where we will hear about our goals for the year - Education and Engagement, our planned cluster events, to elect precinct officers for the next two years, and to consider any resolutions a precinct may want to present. Kristen Robinson will give us an overview of how our goals mesh with BCDP goals. It will also be a great opportunity to meet more of our like-minded neighbors.
Who should attend: Any Hominies Cluster precinct — 24.1, 44.1, 45.1, 46.1, 47.1, 48.1, 49.1 democrats. To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections Voter Search.
South Buncombe Annual Precinct Organizing Meeting
Join friends, colleagues and like-minded folk to discuss how we can support our statewide and local elected officials and what we want from them. We’ll celebrate the wins we achieved, and talk about ideas and plans to move forward, defeat the NC Senate supermajority, and get (and keep) Democratic judges to balance the judiciary. And we’ll develop ways to survive and resist the newly elected president’s damaging policies — and perhaps even flip a US Senate seat Democratic!
Who should attend: Democrats and Left-Leaning Unaffiliates in Precincts 18.2, 19.1, 29.2, 30.2, 30.3, 31.1, 54.2, 55.1 and 56.2 - the South Buncombe Precincts. To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections’ Voter Search
North Buncombe Annual Cluster/Precinct Organizing Meeting
Our Annual North Buncombe Cluster/Precinct Organizing Meeting galvanizes and energizes our voters to get involved and get organized. Now is the time to MOBILIZE, and we’ll share several ideas.
Following our opening program, attendees circle up with their precinct for the Annual Precinct meeting. Be prepared to: discuss action plans with your precinct elect Precinct Officers; elect delegates to the County Democratic Convention in April; donate to meet your precinct’s modest annual dues (bring cash or check, but online OK too); and vote on resolutions proposed by precinct members.
Whether you’ve attended in past years or are brand new to the North Buncombe area, we look forward to meeting you and having you become part of our thriving and active community.
Who should attend: Democrats and left-leaning affiliated voters residing in North Buncombe Precincts 40.2, 41.1, 50.1, 51.2, 58.1, 59.1, 67.1 and 71.1 are welcome to attend. To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections’ Voter Search.
Swannanoa/Riceville Cluster Annual Precinct Organizing Meeting
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with your neighbors and get involved in building a stronger community. At the meeting, we’ll elect precinct officers for this cycle and review and vote on any resolutions from our members. In addition, we will hear from 1-2 of our NC Senate/House Legislative representatives.
Who should attend: All registered Democratic and left-leaning unaffiliated voters who reside in the Swannanoa/Riceville cluster of Precincts: 61.1 Riceville Community Center, 62.1 Grassy Branch Baptist, 64.1 First Baptist of Swannanoa, 65.1 Williams Elementary, 66.1 Bee Tree Fire Dept.
To find your precinct, you can visit the NC Board of Election’s Voter Search tool at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/
(Do not park in the fire lanes next to the school. Please reserve the parking spaces in front of the school for mobility challenged neighbors. Additional parking is available in the school parking lot.)
West Asheville Democratic Precinct Cluster Annual Meeting
Join West Asheville Democrats (precincts 12.1, 13.2, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 16.2, 26.1, 42.1, 43.2) for our annual precinct organizational meetings. Last year, for the first time in memory, all 9 West Asheville precincts were organized and active. Let’s carry that into 2025-26.
Please sign up to attend and encourage your neighbor Democrats to join as well. Each precinct will be electing a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. All registered Democrats in a precinct are eligible to attend, vote, and hold one of the three offices. Five registered Democrats are required to be present for precincts to organize.
Note new location: Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way (Off Sand Hill and Bear Creek Roads), Asheville 28806
The mid-term elections, when we have the chance to flip the US House and Senate and further reduce the GOP majorities in the state legislature, are less than 2 years away. Now is the time to start organizing!
Who should attend: All registered Democrats in Buncombe County Precincts 12.1, 13.2, 14.2, 14.3, 15.1, 16.2, 26.1, 42.1, 43.2 To look up your precinct, use this link: Voter Search
North Asheville Cluster Annual Meeting
Feeling frustrated with what's happening in D.C.? It's time to turn that frustration into something powerful!
Join us on March 22 for an exciting kickoff event as we gear up for the crucial 2026 midterm elections. We’ve seen how hard work pays off—just look at what NC Dems accomplished last fall!
This is your chance to team up with neighbors and volunteers who are just as passionate about change as you are. Starting at 9:30am, Drew Reisinger, our inspiring Buncombe County Register of Deeds, will lead us in a discussion about taking action in tough times.
Precinct Organizing Meetings will begin at 10am. We’ll break into groups to elect precinct officers and brainstorm ideas to make our voices heard at the county convention. Your input matters! So come ready to share your thoughts and get energized about what we can do together.
Let’s channel our anger into real action and ensure our community thrives in 2026! Don’t miss out—mark your calendar now and be part of this important movement!
Who should attend: Democrats and left leaning Unaffiliated voters in precincts 3.1, 4.1, 5.1,17.1, 22.2, 27.2, 28.1, 70.1
To find your precinct, visit NC State Board of Elections’ Voter Search.
Federal Cuts Impact Town Hall [NC House Dems]
Join Rep. Lindsey Prather, Rep. Brian Turner, Rep. Eric Ager, and Senator Julie Mayfield for an important town hall discussion on the impacts of federal funding cuts and what they mean for our region—especially as communities continue to navigate the uncertainty of Hurricane Helene recovery.
This listening session will provide an opportunity for residents to share their concerns, ask questions, and hear directly from state lawmakers about the resources and solutions available at the state level. While federal cuts pose new challenges, we are committed to working together to ensure that Buncombe County gets the support it needs.
Buncombe Young Dems Meeting
The Buncombe Young Dems will be having their monthly meeting & officer elections on March 18th, ahead of the 3/22 precinct meetings and 4/5 YDNC Convention.
Who should attend: All Young Dems and Young-at-heart Dems are welcome
Rep Chuck Edwards Town Hall [Rep. Edwards]
Current 11th District Representative Chuck Edwards announced an in-person Town Hall meeting on March 13 from 6-7:30pm at A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium, 340 Victoria Road, Asheville 28801.
This is a rare chance for him to hear directly from us! We suggest getting there early, and there will be a protest/rally for Ukraine at 5pm (according to Indivisible AVL).
Update: We have heard that Rep. Edwards has posted the following: “Please note that the following items will not be allowed in the auditorium: large bags or purses; signs; guns, knives, or other weapons; noise makers; and speakers or megaphones.”
International Women's Day - Unite and Resist, Asheville [Women’s March]
From Women’s March:
Saturday, March 8th, 2025 - Bring your signs & your voice to the sidewalks in the center of Pack Square Park at 1 Court Plaza, Asheville, NC 28801
Women's Equality Day: Advocating for Justice and Equality
On March 8th we will gather to honor the relentless pursuit of justice and equality by women throughout history and protest Trump 's attempt to remove the contributions of women.
On March 8th we must stand in solidarity with all women—transgender, cisgender, women of color, immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with disabilities. Our diversity is our strength, and our unity is our power. We must continue to organize, to speak out, and to demand policies that uphold the dignity and rights of every woman.
See more at International Women's Day - Unite & Resist in Asheville, NC | Women's March or at link below.
Meeting of the Minds Black Mountain
Meet with like-minded individuals interested in discussing our Democratic challenges and how to deal for future wins. We encourage elected officials to attend and provide updates.
Who should attend: Interested Democratic and unaffiliated voters from Black Mountain and surrounding areas. Any elected officials are welcome.
Monthly Meeting Precincts 24.1, 45.1, 47.1 and 49.1
We will name winners of contest for naming our newsletter and award prizes. After that we are having a postcard writing session to all state legislators regarding taxpayer money to pregnancy crisis centers but nothing for women's rights to control her own body.
We will never go back. We will fight for women's rights because they are Human Rights!
Who should attend: All democrats in precincts 24.1, 45.1, 47.1 and 49.1
Buncombe County Progressive Democrats Brainstorm Session
This is an event for Buncombe County residents and those that are interested in working on progressive issues!
We’d like to invite you to a 45-minute brainstorming session on Wednesday to start coordinating our efforts for pushing a progressive agenda forward for county residents. We will be spending the majority of the meeting discussing how we can come together to support 1-2 key action items in the county and work together to make change.
This meeting will be held online - sign up below to get the link.
Drinks with Dems - Leicester
Mark your calendars for an evening of great conversation, community support, and delicious cider!
This is your chance to meet local Democratic representatives, engage in conversations about the issues that matter most, and learn how you can make a real impact in our community. Enjoy refreshing drinks from Asheville’s own Noble Cider while connecting with neighbors and volunteers who are working to move our community forward.
Whether you want to get more involved or want to enjoy a cider and chat, we’d love to see you there!
Let’s raise a glass to building a better tomorrow — together!
Who should attend: Leicester, West Asheville, and Hominies Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters who are interested in a great conversation, a chance to meet the community, and/or a delicious local cider.
A Gathering with Friends to be a Bright Spot in Dark Times
With all the changes and challenges going on, let's take time to gather and discuss our accomplishments. And, to plan what we can do to further our cause, both in Raleigh and DC.
Who should attend: Any like-minded voters in the Fairview/Reynolds Community, and bring a friend
Precinct 71.1 Drinks with Dems
We are up to something! Drinks with Dems is being re-envisioned for 2025. Please join us to learn how at Salt Face Mule for fellowship with Democrats and like-minded unaffiliated voters who live in our precinct.
The People v. Griffin: Asheville Rally [Common Cause]
Description from Common Cause:
After multiple recounts and election audits in 2024, North Carolina voters elected Justice Allison Riggs to the NC Supreme Court. In a bid to overturn that result, her opponent, Jefferson Griffin, is pressing the courts to disenfranchise over 60,000 lawful North Carolina voters.
It's the people's turn to say: reject Griffin's challenges — and respect our votes!
Join the growing opposition against Griffin's challenges, raise your voice at rallies happening across the state, and let's build a pro-democracy movement. Register below to receive important event details.

Blue Hearts for Democracy: Turn Anger into Action!
Turn your Anger into ACTION at the BCDP Resource Fair on Feb 16th, 1-4pm at BCDP HQ.
BCDP Monthly Meeting with CEC Meeting
To fill vacancies, we are planning a County Executive Committee meeting on February 15th at our Monthly Meeting. The Chair position became open when Kathie Kline, to whom we so grateful, stepped down. The State Executive Committee (SEC) vacancies are due to some members becoming unable to serve.
The BCDP Chair election will be chaired by Second Vice Chair Denise Marecki, as Interim Chair Kristen Robinson is running for the Chair position. Those eligible to vote in this election are receiving notification with relevant information on the process prior to the meeting.
For information on the requirements and duties for these positions, see the NC Democratic Party Plan of Organization. If you wish to run for any of these positions, please contact Denise Marecki at denise@buncombedems.org. Current candidate bios and photos are available at: Candidates for Feb 2025 CEC Election — Buncombe Dems
Precinct 45.1 Monthly Meeting
This is our monthly meeting to plan coming events. We will also be having a contest to name our NEW newsletter--two prizes! Watch for email about names to vote for and rules of the contest! Coming soon to your email box. If I don't have your email and you want to enter our contest, email me directly after accessing the link below.
We are really hitting the ground running. Come and hear about the projects we have planned and help us think of more things to do to help our State and Country. They need us now and we need them. Feel better because you are with like-minded people and doing something positive, not just sticking your head in the sand or being depressed.
Who should attend: 45.1 precinct members and any cluster member
Black Mountain Cluster Meeting of the Minds
Meet with like-minded individuals interested in discussing our Democratic challenges and how to deal for future wins. We encourage elected officials to attend and provide updates.
Who should attend: Interested Democratic and unaffiliated voters from Black Mountain and surrounding areas. Any elected officials are welcome.
Precinct 5.1 Meeting
This is our first meeting after the 24 elections. Time to get ourselves organized in an effective way and making changes! 2025 is a year for reorganizing and building our community. Good leadership and increased participation this year are necessary to win the 2026 midterms.
Who should attend: Any Democratic party members and other voters who would like to help us plan events and activities this coming year
Protest: Demand Sen. Ted Budd Fight Back Against the Trump-Musk Funding Freeze [Indivisible]
Description from Indivisible:
We are facing a crisis and we need all Members of Congress to fight back. Join your friends and neighbors in telling Senator Ted Budd that we demand he use every tool at his disposal to fight back against the takeover of our government and the federal funding freeze. Senators must act now to halt the process on the nomination of Russell Vought for OMB Director and use all levers at their disposal to fight the assault on our communities. We will meet outside Ted Budd’s local office for western NC in Asheville at 3:30pm this Wednesday, 2/5. The address is 151 Patton Ave. #204 Asheville, NC 28801. You don’t have to be prepared in any way except to show up, use your voice, and express your concerns. We have a right to do this, and it is critical we act now to make our representatives think twice about falling into line with these harmful policies and appointments to public office. We hope to see you there!