Our Annual North Buncombe Cluster meeting galvanizes and energizes our leaders, volunteers and voters to get involved and get organized. Well organized local precincts are the bedrock of Democratic Party activism.
To restart the collaborative spirit of our community, Caleb Rudow, NC House Representative in #116, will acknowledge our accomplishments of 2022 and focus us forward to elections in 2024.
Following our speakers, attendees circle up with their precinct and hold our annual Precinct meeting. We will elect officers for 2023-2025, elect delegates to the 2023 County Democratic Convention, vote on issue resolutions proposed by precinct members, and donate to meet your precinct's modest annual dues. We will also discuss plans for 2023.
Whether you’ve attended in past years or are brand new to the North Buncombe area, we look forward to meeting you and having you become part of our thriving and active community.
Democrats residing in North Buncombe Precincts (40.2,41.1,50.1, 51.2, 58.1, 59.1, 67.1, 71.1) are welcome to attend.