Get informed. Be inspired. Become more confident. You have the power to affect the outcome of this election.
Riceville Swannanoa Dems are coming together to learn how to talk to their friends, neighbors, and family about the issues that they value. Learn what’s at stake and what’s the messaging for issues such as: reproductive freedoms, the economy, democracy and more.
Learn the techniques of active listening, sharing knowledge and persuasion that you can use to increase our Democratic voter turnout in Buncombe County while you canvas, phone-bank, text and engage in conversations with voters at their doors or at your dinner table. Learn how to talk to disinterested and/or single issue voters. Debbie Resnick of the NC Victory Organizing team will lead our seminar.
Sign up to volunteer for voter outreach in your precinct at the end of the seminar. Join our active volunteer community. Help us increase voter turnout and elect Democrats up and down the ballot in Nov.
Drinks will be provided.
Who should attend: Any Democrat or left-leaning unaffiliated voter in Riceville Swannanoa Precincts 61.1, 62.1, 64.1, 65.1, and 66.1 who is an active or potential volunteer and wants to learn how to be effective in increasing our voter turnout with effective conversations and messaging. Those from the East Asheville and Black Mountain Clusters are also welcome.