“Don’t just sit around and complain. Do Something!
— Kamala Harris’ mother, Shyamala

The Four Most Effective Ways to Volunteer:

  • Knock Doors

    Our most effective tool is knocking on doors and talking to people, right where they live. We'll provide all the training and materials you need.

  • Phone Bank

    Phone banking is the second most effective way to reach voters. We provide training and scripts. You can call during phone bank sessions or on your own.

  • Poll Observe

    Observe the process of voting while seated inside the polls. Training provided for these approx. 4-hour shifts. Use the top tabs or drop-down menu to choose a voting site.

  • Poll Greet

    Offer Sample Ballots and candidate information to voters as they arrive. Training & materials provided for these 2-hour shifts. Use the top tabs or drop-down menu to choose a voting site.

Other Volunteer Options

Rover for Early Voting

Rovers drive half the county to replenish supplies to poll greeters. The route takes about 3 hours with stops and is about 65 miles long. The rovers start and end at Buncombe Dems HQ. Gas cards are available if necessary. Orientation will be in early October.

Canvass Leaders

Do you have experience and want to be a canvass leader or launch a canvass in your neighborhood? Contact Kristen at Kristen@buncombedems.org

Do what YOU do Best

We need you! We need your unique ideas and enthusiasm. Whether you're eager to Get out the Vote, join a committee, organize a fundraiser, or help plan an event — there’s plenty to do. Volunteer for a weekend, an election season, or for years to come.