Democratic Party Resolutions
If you have an idea you’d like to be taken up by your Precinct, and — if voted on and passed — then at the County, District, State, and possibly the National Democratic Party, a resolution is the way to put it forth for consideration.
In order to submit a resolution to your precinct at the March 22nd Annual Organizing Meeting, please use the How to Write a Resolution link below, and be sure to check to see that the resolution you are writing has not already been included in the 2020 to 2024 period (second link below). If your resolution is properly written, is not substantially similar to a previous resolution since 2020, and is passed by your Precinct, a Precinct Officer should use the form at the third link below to submit it for review at the County level.
Form to Submit Resolutions Passed at Precinct Organizing Meetings March 22, 2025