Buncombe County Democrats are ready to assist our precincts that are not officially recognized as "organized." In order to be organized, your precinct needs to have at least five members attend a meeting to elect a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. All Democrats living in the following precincts are encouraged to attend this meeting: 43.2, 46.1, 47.1, 48.1, 49.1, and 53.1. (If you're not sure of your precinct number, look it up at https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/)
Some of you may be willing to serve as an officer — we hope so!! Some of you may attend to learn more and to be sure there's a quorum to elect your officers — we need you! After a large group meeting for brief instructions, each precinct will meet separately to hold their elections.
Being a precinct officer requires no experience — most of our officers serve simply because they want to make a difference during these tumultuous times. If you are undecided about whether or not to serve as an officer, please contact BCDP First Vice Chair Kathie Kline at kathie@buncombedems.org or 828-776-3751 for more information.
Being organized as a precinct has so many benefits, including access to volunteer lists, trainings and events that promise to bring your community together for a meaningful and unified purpose. We hope to see you on October 7th!