Governor Cooper Vetoes SB 747 

SB-747 is a jumbo jet of an election bill that covers everything from mail-in ballot rules to the conduct of partisan poll observers. The Republican bill will give observers more authority to question officials, lead to longer lines, and make it easier to throw out ballots. 

When he vetoed this harmful bill, Governor Cooper said, “This attack has nothing to do with election security and everything to do with keeping and gaining power.

"If you’re a young person, Republicans really don’t want you to vote.

"If you’re a college person away from home, Republicans really don’t want you to vote.

"If you’re Black or brown, Republicans really don’t want you to vote.

"They’ve done their research and they know when and how you vote, and they know you aren’t as likely to vote for them. This time Republicans are armed with a one vote supermajority, and a court system stacked with partisan judges who’ve already turned the justice system upside down with two unprecedented election cases decided for Republicans. They know that younger and non-white voters tend to vote more by absentee ballot or by early voting. So they shortened the time your absentee votes can arrive and still count. And they made it easier to throw them out. They know Democrats often win the early vote by large margins, so they want to restrict it." 

 Watch Governor Cooper's full comments on what Republicans are trying to do to voting rights here

Action Item

2024 is a presidential election year, and in North Carolina the governorship and the courts are on the line. There are no off years when the electoral stakes are this big, and every single vote will matter. Join us for a fall campaign of door knocking and phonebanking to help us reach a set of voters who are less likely to be targeted in a major election year. We'll be hitting the streets and the phones in a neighborhood near this weekend! 

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