Spotlight on Wesley Harris, Democratic Candidate for NC Treasurer (BCDP Weekly)

This week we’re spotlighting Rep. Wesley Harris, candidate for State Treasurer.

Rep. Harris is the legislature’s only PhD economist. He wants you to know that our state’s pension fund has the largest cash reserve of any state pension fund in the country. Great, right? Wrong, actually. Unlike investments, cash doesn’t have returns and can’t adapt to inflation. The more cash we keep, the more money we’re losing when the dollar changes value—let alone the lost value from that money not being invested. As Treasurer, Wesley will make sound investments that keep North Carolina on strong financial ground so that we can protect the healthcare and retirements of our state employees.

Meanwhile, Republican Brad Briner is running on ceding decision-making over the State Health Plan to a board that the gerrymandered GOP legislature would appoint. Due to the current GOP Treasurer, the State Health Plan has been politicized over what the plan will and will not cover, like weight loss medication or hormone therapy.

 We need Democrat Wesley Harris as our next NC State Treasurer!

From the BCDP Chair

Your Voice Matters: Join Us in Shaping the Future

As a key battleground state this election year, local Democrats recognize the stakes: another term with Donald Trump could be even more challenging than his 2016-2020 term. However, if we re-elect Joe Biden, retain the Senate, and reclaim the House, Congress could pass some of the most transformative policies of our lifetimes.

Here in Buncombe, we balance our fears with hope by taking action—and that action gives us strength and optimism.

In these weekly updates, we offer numerous opportunities to get involved through door-knocking and phone calls—two of the most effective ways to mobilize voters. We still need many more volunteers doing outreach. If you think these activities only matter in the final weeks before an election, the truth is, NOW is the most critical time to make an impact. By engaging voters early, we build relationships and identify supporters who we can remind to vote in a few months.

I urge each of you to sign up for a phone bank or canvassing event. The information below offers convenient signup links. We're collaborating with the NC Democratic Party’s Project 100 field operations and our Data Team to prepare your precincts for neighborhood canvassing and phone banks. If you're interested in becoming a trainer for our field operations, please reach out to me directly for more details at

Now is the time to build a strong volunteer force—we need each and every one of you. Join us in making a difference!


Kathie Kline, BCDP Chair

Take Action

Research Shows: Calling and Doorknocking Are the Most Effective Ways to Reach Voters

Phone Opportunities

Phonebanking With BCDP

Chatting with Democrats and Unaffiliated voters means some terrific conversations and, of course, leaving some voicemails. It's a great way to reach voters and guide them on why to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. Every call has the potential to create another informed voter, and your enthusiasm can get that vital commitment to vote.

Sign up here and give it a try - we offer two phonebanks a week for in-person instruction and calling. This may be your favorite way to effectively get the message out.  If not, keep reading and see if doorknocking is your jam!

Canvassing Opportunities

Knock Doors with Buncombe Democrats

Calling all Buncombe County Democrats!

Join us for an afternoon of knocking on doors and talking with your Democratic neighbors. Next BCDP coordinated canvass: June 8th at 2pm. Canvassing happens every other week, often mid-morning with occasional early afternoon launches. Many of our "veteran doorknockers" tell us that it's a fun way to meet and greet people and help save our Democracy. Knowing you're enabling people to have the information they need to vote up and down the ballot in just a few months makes it even more satisfying. Sign up here. 

SPECIAL CANVASS with Jon Lovett and Lindsey Prather

Join us for an epic canvassing event in Weaverville with the one and only Jon Lovett from Crooked Media and Pod Save America! We'll kick things off with a quick training session at Lake Louise Park at 4:00 pm on Fri., 6/21, then hit the streets to canvass for a couple of hours. After all the excitement, we'll regroup at Lake Louise for some well-deserved drinks and debriefing. Sign up for this special event here.


Spotlight on Jeff Jackson, Democratic Candidate for NC Attorney General (BCDP Weekly)


Spotlight on Jessica Holmes, Democratic Candidatefor NC State Auditor  (BCDP Weekly)