Rachel Hunt for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina (BCDP Weekly)

Senator Rachel Hunt is running for Lieutenant Governor of our great state. Senator Hunt is a mom and an attorney fighting to expand access to healthcare, ensure our public schools get the funding they deserve, and support local businesses across NC.

Unlike her extremist, anti-choice opponent, Senator Hunt believes in inclusivity and sees a vision for NC that supports and values everyone. We look forward to voting for Rachel Hunt for Lieutenant Governor!

Kamala Harris Celebrates Latino Leaders

Vice President Kamala Harris, in collaboration with the Voto Latino Foundation, invited Democrats from across the nation to a barbecue in celebration of Latino Community Leaders at her residence in Washington DC on July 25th, with approximately 300 attendees.

When VP Harris walked up to the podium, the enthusiasm and the energy in the crowd was palpable. In her heartfelt remarks, she referred to the fact that she comes from a family of immigrants and understands what it is like to be an immigrant and the threats we face:

This is an extraordinary moment for so many of us who believe in the promise of America. Like so many of you, I have traveled across this country, and I am clear that for some, they are engaged in an intentional full-on attack against hard fought, hard won, freedoms and rights.” She concluded with: “please know you are always welcome in my house…and celebrate all that we are with the commitment for all we have to do.”

Article and photo by Carlos Linares, Chair of the BCDP Hispanic Outreach Committee and Hominies Cluster Leader. He was an invited guest at this special event.

Take Action

Cheer On Our Dem Candidates: August 2nd at the CIBO Breakfast Forum

While CIBO (Council of Independent Business Owners) may tend towards right or right-leaning, let's come out for breakfast and cheer on our Democratic candidates! Please arrive 20-30 minutes early, as the room may fill up quickly. 

CIBO Issues Meeting
Friday, August 2nd, 7:00am
In the Mountain View Room/Sherrill Center/UNC-Asheville
Sherrill Center and Kimmell Arena, 227 Campus Dr, Asheville, NC 28804

Breakfast buffet - $15 pp (NOTE - bring cash or check for $15 - no credit cards accepted)

Buncombe County Chair & District 2 Commission Candidates Forum

Chair Candidates
Buncombe County Commissioner Amanda Edwards vs. former Buncombe County Sheriff Van Duncan

District 2 Candidates
Buncombe County Commissioner Terri Wells vs. Bruce O’Connell

Pizza & Postcarding Party at HQ

It's time for us to welcome recently registered Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters to our precincts.  Join us on Tuesday, August 6th from 11-2 for lunch and writing Welcome postcards to new potential voters!  

Getting this project completed quickly frees us up to do so many other tasks required for getting every Democrat across the finish line this November.  

Come hungry and ready to write brief messages on our lovely cards!

Sign Up Here


Sarah Taber for NC  Commissioner of Agriculture (BCDP Weekly)


North Carolina Delegation Endorses Kamala Harris for President (BCDP Weekly)