A State of Emergency for Education

What's happening across NC

Last week Governor Cooper declared a State of Emergency for education in North Carolina. Republican policies will suffocate public education: 

 - Private School Vouchers: The legislature wants to pour your taxpayer dollars into unaccountable private schools, which can selectively admit students, draining millions from public education.

 - Tax Breaks for Millionaires: While private school vouchers flourish, the Republican legislature plans massive tax breaks for millionaires, crippling our state's education budget by almost 20%.

 - Teacher Shortage Crisis: Thousands of teacher vacancies leave students without qualified educators. Governor Cooper proposes an 18% pay raise, but the Republican legislature offers a mere $250 over two years. We must value our teachers and invest in their success.

 - Early Childhood Education Neglected: The legislature turns its back on early childhood education, hindering our children's future and damaging North Carolina's economy.

What's happening here in Buncombe

Completely behind closed doors, far-right Republicans in Buncombe County are introducing legislation through Senator Daniel to change how future Buncombe County Board of Education elections are conducted.

The legislation being floated is designed solely to make it easier for candidates with unpopular and extreme views to get elected in Buncombe County. There is bi-partisan opposition to this legislation in Buncombe – in fact, the only elected official in the county who supports this bill is Senator Daniel. 

Instead of holding public forums, soliciting input from the community, or being open and honest with parents about how this change may impact our schools, a small faction in the Buncombe Republican party have worked on this proposal in secret. Language will be inserted into a bill which has already passed the local government committee in the House, intentionally to prevent other members of the Buncombe County Delegation from speaking out against it before it makes it to the floor of the House.

What we’re seeing today is another disturbing example of just how far-right the Buncombe GOP have become.  Instead of stepping back and understanding why the extremist candidates they ran for Board of Education in 2022 were defeated at the ballot box, Republicans are yet again working to change the laws in a way to give their candidates with overwhelmingly unpopular views every advantage possible. 

Let this be another wake up call for all of us in Buncombe. We are not immune to this level of extremism just because we live in a county that overwhelmingly elects Democrats. We cannot be distracted by national politics or what happens in other states. The same forces of extremism that are carrying out book bans, passing proposals to make schools increasingly unsafe for our LGBTQ youth, and mandating white-washed versions of history are thriving within the local Republican party, and they’re not going away any time soon.

Three Ways to Take Action

1. Contact Senator Daniel

Call or email Senator Daniel and let him know you oppose introducing partisanship into Buncombe County School Board elections. 

2. Show up to support the County Board of Education

BCBOE will be voting on a resolution opposing this legislation at their meeting tomorrow, Thursday, June 1 at 5:30 p.m. at the Minitorium at 175 Bingham Road, Asheville. Show up in person to their meeting and support them. Be sure to arrive early to ensure you get a seat! Learn more.

3. Get and stay involved

We cannot lose our focus on local organizing and local elections in the years to come. Keep organizing, keep volunteering, and keep voting. Sign up to volunteer.


Summer Is Heating Up


We Will Always Keep Fighting